Noris and Obeeliks Goldleaf Silverleaf and Palladiumleaf


Coverage : 

Gold Leaf :

·         standard dimension of 80 mm x 80 mm

·         booklet of 25 leaves = 0.16 m²

·         7 booklets per m²

·         180 leaves for 1 m²


Silver Leaf :

·         standard dimension of 95 mm x 95 mm

·         booklet of 25 leaves = 0.23 m²

·         4 - 5 booklets per m²

·         120 leaves for 1 m²


Noris Rosenoble Gold Regular 23.75 ct. booklet 25 leaves 80x80 mm TRANSFERT


Obeeliks Champaign Gold Leaf 22.5 ct. booklet 25 leaves 80x80 mm TRANSFERT


Noris colourchart for gold leaf